Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 4 _ Tuần 10

Văn Học

Cộng tác viên

Lesson 1 (3-4-5)

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for detail information and write about where the schools are.

II. Language focus:

Vocabulary and structures: Revision

III. Resources: Textbook, recordings, speaker, microphone, laptop.

IV. Procedure:

1. Warm upSpend a few minutes revising the previous lesson. Call a few pupils to the front of the class to talk/write about their school.
Whole class​
2. Listen & tick
- You are going to listen to three dialogues and tick the correct pictures.
- Have pupils look at the pictures to identify the similarities and differences by saying what the schools are and where they are. Have them read aloud the names of the schools and their location. Check understanding.
- Play the recording a few times. Ask pupils to listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures. Tell them to focus on the names of the schools and their locations.
- Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary
Key: 1. c 2. a 3. c
- Whole class

- Individuals

- Pairs
3. Look & write
- You are going write where the schools are.
- Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the pictures. First, focus pupils on the locations of the schools. Then have them look at the sentence under each picture and find the appropriate words to complete the sentence. If necessary, get them to work in pairs.
- Get pupils time to do the task independently. Go around and offer help, if necessary.
- Get pupils to swap their answers before checking as a class. If there is enough time, call a few pupils to read aloud complete sentences.
Key: 1. Nguyen Trai Street
2. in Van Noi Village
3. is in South Street, London
My school is in Nguyen Trai Street.
- Whole class

- Pairs
- Individuals

4. Let’s sing
- Tell pupils that they are going to sing the song This is the way. Teach the song following the procedure in the Teaching the unit components in the Introduction
Read the song and check comprehension. Give the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Play the recording or sing the song all the way through.
- Have choral and individual repetition of each line of the lyrics. When pupils are familiar with the tune, give a demonstration of the song and actions.
- Get groups of pupils to sit face to face and practise singing and doing the actions.
- Call a group of six to the front of the class. The group sings the first four lines in every stanza and the rest of the class sings the last four lines.
- Have the whole class sing the song to reinforce the activity.

- Whole class
5. HomelinkPrepare the next period- Whole class
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Diễn đàn GAC - Giáo Án Chuẩn, nơi các Giáo viên, Phhs có thể tìm kiếm và chia sẻ những tài liệu giáo dục, những câu chuyện nghề nghiệp. Và cùng nhau thảo luận các chủ đề nuôi dạy con trẻ, chăm sóc sức khỏe, kinh doanh, du lịch, cuộc sống, tình yêu, hạnh phúc gia đình,...