Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 4 _ Tuần 3.

Văn Học

Cộng tác viên

Lesson 2

Part 1 + 2 + 3 (Page14)

By the end of period, Ps will be able to: ask and answer the questions about one’s nationality.
Language focus
+ New words: Vietnamese, American, Malaysian, Australian, Japanese, English
+ Structures: What nationality are you? – I’m Vietnamese.
Textbook, recordings, speaker, microphone, laptop.
1. Warm-up
Call some Ps to front of the class to sing the song Where are you from?
The class may sing the song, clap the hands.
T – WC​
2. Look, listen & repeat
- Tell pupils that they are going to learn to ask and answer about one’s nationality.
- Have them look at the four pictures to understand the contexts in which the language is used. Ask them questions such as Who are they?/ Where is she from?/ What is she doing?/ What does she say?. Focus Ps on the first picture. (Picture a: Akiko is at the registrar’s desk. The registrar asks Akiko’s name, Picture b: The registrar want to know Akiko’s country,
Picture c: She want to know Akiko’s nationality.)
- Play the recording a few time for Ps to listen and repeat. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking.
- Play the recording again for Ps to listen and say along.
T – WC

Pairs/ Groups

Whole class

Whole class​
3. Point & say
- Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and answering the questions about one’s nationality.
- Draw their attention to the pictures to understand how the language is used in different contexts. Ask Ps to look at the first four pictures. Tell them that they are going to practice asking and answering the questions about one’s nationality.
- Point to the first picture and get one P to ask What nationality are you? and another to answer – I’m Vietnamese. Repeat the procedure with the next pictures
- Ask Ps to work in pairs, pointing to the characters speaking.
- Call on a few pairs to act out in front of the class. Check as a class and correct pronunciation, if necessary.
T – WC


Work in pairs

Pairs - WC​
4. Let’s talk
- Tell Ps that they are going to revise what they have learnt in Lesson 1 and 2. Remind Ps how to use What’s your name?
Where are you from?
What nationality are you?

- Call on a few pairs to act out the dialogue if front of the class. Correct the pronunciation, if necessary.
T – WC

Pairs - WC​
5. Homelink
- Pupils practise asking and answering about one’s nationality at home.





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Diễn đàn GAC - Giáo Án Chuẩn, nơi các Giáo viên, Phhs có thể tìm kiếm và chia sẻ những tài liệu giáo dục, những câu chuyện nghề nghiệp. Và cùng nhau thảo luận các chủ đề nuôi dạy con trẻ, chăm sóc sức khỏe, kinh doanh, du lịch, cuộc sống, tình yêu, hạnh phúc gia đình,...